Tribe Nawaar Vends At Elevation Belly Dance Festival 2017 In Golden, CO

Saturday May 6, 2017

Each year the cream of the crop in the tribal bellydance community converge on the small town of Golden, Colorado. Fabulous workshops from modern tribal fusion artists thru classic folkloric and traditional styles of dance will be available this year in a more intimate setting than previous years.  To keep up with the details of this year’s festival follow their official Facebook page for the event.

The Elevation Belly Dance Extravaganza will also be hosting an intimate and glorious shopping adventure for your treasure hunting pleasure from a very select group of vendors, including yours truly.

Saturday May 6th 2:30-10pm
American Mountaineering Center
710 10th Street Golden, CO 80401
Lobby is located through the entrance from the parking lot behind the building.

(The show will begin at 8pm, so get there early to get your shopping on!)

Stop in before or after your Elevation workshops, or before, during or after the Saturday night show, which is in the same building! Come early to the show to score your goodies, and get inspired by the amazing show! Admission to the vending area is free, show tickets will be availble soon. 

Hope to see you there!