Tribe Nawaar is thrilled to be part of the Djedi Collection and a featured merchant at the StarBizarre at the Arise Music Festival this year! Come check out what unique treasures we’ll be showcasing!

Tribe Nawaar is thrilled to be part of the Djedi Collection and a featured merchant at the StarBizarre at the Arise Music Festival this year! Come check out what unique treasures we’ll be showcasing!
We love this homegrown Renaissance themed festival and are proud to be back again this year as both vendors and performers! The Colorado Medieval Festival 2018 will be June 1st, 2nd & 3rd just west of Loveland in The Savage Woods with the landmark of the Devil’s Backbone as a breathtaking backdrop.
This Memorial Day weekend 2018 we’re giving a free performance & demo at the 31st annual Boulder Creek Festival on Saturday and will have a booth with many of our beautiful wares Saturday, Sunday & Monday. But, that’s not all! On Monday Tribe Nawaar, Desert Rain & Friends will dance, drum and make general merriment […]
We are thrilled to be vending at Elevation Bellydance Festival 2018. This world class belly dance festival is set in right here in charming Golden, Colorado! Join us May 3-6, 2018 for 4 days of amazing workshops, multiple fabulous shows, exquisite shopping and the camaraderie of a wonderful community of dancers!
Just Added: Many new tribal belly dance textile belts!
This annual fundraiser features 4 amazing workshops over 2 days and 1 over the top Gala Showcase on
We love this homegrown Renaissance themed festival and are proud to be back again this year as both vendors and performers! The Colorado Medieval Festival
Saturday May 6, 2017 Each year the cream of the crop in the tribal bellydance community converge on the small town of