Growing up in Northern California my summer landscape was filled with warm tan and rich blue tones. The dry grassy hills of my youth seemed to reach up to the infinite blue sky. This costuming combo creates a perfect harmony of those natural colors. Sure to become a favorite in your dance wardrobe. ~Jennifer
Choli Tops: Alternative Tying Methods
Try These Alternative Tying Methods On Any Of Our Choli Tops… Clean Lines Just as the name implies this method of tying your choli will give you a clean tidy look to the back tie section! Take the ribcage tie on right side and knot it to the ribcage tie on the left as […]
2020 Spring Costuming Combo Deal
Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. After a long winter dormant season, plants emerge from their rest and burst forth with colorful glory. Let’s plan for brighter spring days ahead. Here’s one of my favorite costuming combo that fills me the joy and possibility that comes with the new season. ~Jennifer
New DIY Supplies & Fall Costuming Combo
New DIY supplies just added. Some of these new components are harder to come by and we expect to sell out of those quickly. All pieces are great for all tribal costuming and jewelry making needs. Plus check out our peacock toned fall costuming combo!
Sassy Pants & Rosehips Skirts
Our high quality cotton lycra pants are great for festivals, classes & performances. Add any of our playful Rosehips Skirt a decadent multi-layered look!
Summer Costuming Combo 2019
June 21st marks the official first day of summer! With the warmer days come the season’s festivals and performances. I’ve put together our summer costuming combo together with that in mind.. and now for a limited time you can save up to 20%.
Spring Costuming Combo
Purple and yellow with accents of rich green, including our limited edition, re-released green sheer salawar pants.. perfect for spring festivals and performances! Save up to 20% now thru the end of May, 2019.
Introducing Our Lakshmi Series..
Decadently colored and richly appointed full skirts and pants with gold accents, along with delicate & pretty complimentary anklets make up our new Lakshmi Series. Named after the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity, this series is a great option for dancers looking for rich coloring, elegant detailing and light weight costuming that won’t add a […]
Costuming Combo of the Month
Cool and crisp coloring.. perfect for winter festivals and performances! Save up to 20% now thru the end of January, 2019.