Join us in Kansas City, Missouri for ATS® Reunion 2018. We’ll be there all weekend dancing and vending your favorite tribal treasures.

Join us in Kansas City, Missouri for ATS® Reunion 2018. We’ll be there all weekend dancing and vending your favorite tribal treasures.
Enjoy the holiday break and we’ll see you back in class January 2 for all Tuesday night classes, January 4 for all Thursday night classes and January 8 for all Monday night classes.
Every October ATS® dancers from around the world create flash mobs in their community. Songs are voted on throughout the year and
Our Vintage Silk Salawar Pants (aka pantaloons or harem pants) are made of the most decadent and luscious vintage sari fabrics available. They are popular in all dance genres and as bohemian street clothes!
These fabulous tribal belly dancing Ribbon Trim Skirts are made of premium quality black cotton rayon. The Ideal Dance Skirt For All Styles! The perfect weight for use in performances with ATS® skirt work or for use with any choreographed skirt dance, be it tribal belly dance, ballet, flamenco or folkloric dances!
We love this homegrown Renaissance themed festival and are proud to be back again this year as both vendors and performers! The Colorado Medieval Festival
Saturday April 29th, 2017 11am – 1pm In participation with Boulder’s Celebrate Dance Month we’ll be offering an American Tribal Style® bellydance crash course and you’re invited!