Assembled with gorgeous new & vintage fabrics, these eco-chic pieces feature corset-like grommets that adjust to comfortably fit most body shapes!

Great worn over choli tops, sheer Ghawazee or entari coats and renaissance dresses.. or wear it without an undergarment in warmer weather. These clever corseted dance tops can also be worn reversed for an all black look!

Over 130 great bodice top options!

Tribe Nawaar's overlap lacing technique for corseted bodice tops, step 3

Tip #1: You can adjust any of our bodices to be up to 3″ smaller by using our Overlap Lacing Technique! ~Learn about overlap lacing~

Tip #2: Any of our bodices can also be worn reversed to be an all black bodice! This gives you an entirely different look from just one costuming piece! ~See a sample of this vest worn reversed~

Tribe Nawaar's corseted bodice top & 25 yard cupcake skirt with a gold belt

Tip #3: Included are all black ties which work great for almost all looks. We have found we can get a variety of looks by swapping out the black ties for other colors and styles of ribbons or ties.


Each page of sizes will list the colors and style currently available. Choose from small, medium, large, xl and xxl sizes!

Shop All Bodices