Tribe Nawaar is scheduled to go on Saturday November 4th at 2:20pm, but, as this schedule is fluid we could go on early. What that means is if you are coming to see us specifically, plan to show up and be seated in the theater by 2pm at the latest 🙂
Here’s the full show schedule so that you can plan to see some of the other great presenters as well:
This year, we’ll have our students presenting their first improvised dance *with turbans* while our professional troupe will be bringing a little more structure and a very different feel with their theatrical presentation. Hint: see photo, lol!
Dance Is For Every Body Showcase Details
Boulder Public Library
1001 Arapahoe Ave (or use the theater entrance on Canyon Street)
Boulder, CO
All presentations will take place in the Canyon Theater, located in Boulder’s Main Public Library. The theater is on the far north side of the library. If you enter thru the main library doors you’ll need to walk thru the library, thru the glass corridor that crosses over the Boulder Creek, past the cafe, then the gallery and entrance to the theater will be on your right. You can also enter directly thru the gallery/theater entrance on Canyon.
Saturday & Sunday November 4 & 5th
Full showcase schedule is listed above
Tribe Nawaar goes on around 2:20pm on SATURDAY (be sure to get there early)
Oh, and if you want to chat with us after the show, we’d love that. Please note: only performers are allowed back stage & in the side hall area that enters on to the stage. We’ll gather our things and plan to meet in the main gallery (in front of the theater) after our presentations, so, as not to create a lot of disturbance and noise for those who are inside the theater and still enjoying the other acts.
Hope to see you there! Psst: we’ll also be doing a little demo to close our set. So, be prepared to get up and give it a try, little ones welcome to join in the demo, as well!
Updates from our hostess:
Please note that there are a number of different library programs going on this weekend. Parking will be tight, so arrive early or plan to use other city lots (like the St. Julien next door). The Canyon Theater is in the North building of the library close to Canyon Blvd.
ALSO, there is an exhibit and artists talks and panels on both Saturday & Sunday in the Canyon Gallery right outside the theater. Please be careful when walking through the gallery. Dancers will not be able to congregate in the gallery like we have done sometimes in the past.
* So, this means we’ll meet after our performance in the front of the gallery entrance outside if weather is fabulous or in the hallway that crosses over the creek (and goes to the cafe) if there is crazy wind or an unexpected bad weather day.
See you all tomorrow!
Missed the show and audience participation demo? Well, we missed having you in the there, but, at least you can catch the performances on video here:
Student performance to Argul Solo: https://youtu.be/ncljdrYfJ1I
Student performance to Dayate Maali: https://youtu.be/ZZHLl2fto3U
Troupe performance to Under Giant Trees: https://youtu.be/QjPl0ixArRU