Each season I create a costuming combo using my favorite pieces from The Nawaar Marketplace. For this season I’m inspired by the stunning color show the trees put on for us as they prepare for cooler days ahead.

Wishing you a season full of dance,

Save up to 20% on our autumn costuming combo now thru November 24, 2022.

Why is this combo so fabulous you ask?

Autumn 2022 costuming combo from The Nawaar Marketplace- all belly dance costuming and accessories available at www.TribeNawaar.comThe warm yellow and brown colors are perfectly complimented by the rich green in the skirt, fringe, bodice and anklets.

This combo is super versatile and can be combined in a variety of ways. Try these combos within the combo:

  1. Ultra decadent: choose the top of your choice, layer both hip scarves and both skirts over the salawar, add the belt and jewelry and you’re ready for anything life throws at you!
  2. Light and breezy: Just the choli top, one of the hip scarves, the pants & jewelry
  3. Switch it up: you can get a totally different look just by switching which skirt is the overskirt and which is the underskirt! You can do the same with the hip scarves-or wear the bodice with or without the choli!

This gives you multiple costuming looks from just this one combo!!! Great colors for all year ’round..


Autumn 2022 Costuming Combo Deal

Featured in this combo:


Save 10%

When you purchase any individual item from this costuming combination. You can buy just one item or multiple items from this combo.
Use coupon code: 2022AutumnCombo10 at checkout

Save 20%

When you buy the full set as pictured. Your order must include this color combo and all items pictured. Note: the 20% off coupon does not combine with other coupons or offers.
Use coupon code: 2022AutumnCombo20 at checkout

These coupons are only valid now thru the end of November 24, 2022 so don’t wait!